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Philippine Christian University


Philippine Standard Time
  ( )

Center for International Education

Center for International Education (CIE) was established by Philippine Christian University (PCU) in collaboration with Ideal Institute of Innovative Studies (IIIS). CIE aims to create an international platform for complementary cross-cultural education, and to promote the high quality education of Philippine Christian University. CIE is also the first university in the Philippines to make the transition from English-only teaching to bilingual teaching.


CIE’s purpose is to promote cross-cultural communication and cooperation between different educational institutions around the world and to develop partnerships for Philippine Christian University with Chinese educational institutions to promote inclusiveness and diversity.  By applying the latest technology, one of the objective of CIE is to make available the high quality and high standard education available to all people around the world.  This is the vision of CIE to prepare students in ways to enable them to face the challenges of the 21st Century. CIE graduates will be trained in multicultural context so that they will become tolerant and respectful to the culture, values and beliefs of people from other parts of the world. CIE will provide culturally inclusive classrooms that would be free from “racism, sexism, and ethnic prejudice and bias to achieve the goals of equal educational opportunities for all students from all walks of life in all parts of the world.”


The students are the principal clients of CIE and only for them the organizations are all about.  The students will be highly motivated and talented. Diversity of students will be considered as an asset for CIE and will welcome students from different cultural, geographical and economic backgrounds.  The students will be trained in a way that will enable them to show their potentials as future leaders of their countries. The aim of CIE is to transform traditional education system to an innovative and functional one and at the same time, provide a higher level of international educational standard to the Philippine educational system.


The faculty of CIE are made up of highly experienced professional teachers from all over the Philippines and China. More than 50% of the faculty are recruited from the top universities of the Philippines such as; University of the Philippines and Ateneo de Manila University. Around 30% of the faculty are from Philippine Christian University and 20% are from Chinese universities. At CIE, we believe that teachers must have love, empathy and compassion for the students. Teachers are the executors of the plans and policies of the university through their teaching and learning strategies.  CIE’s teachers would not only motivate, but they would also stimulate and maintain high level of engagement of the students in the class, whether virtual or live. CIE’s faculty members are dedicated professionals and will be equipped with the latest knowledge and resources of their respective disciplines. In addition, they will receive continuous training on current teaching techniques and class management. They are knowledgeable with the art and science of teaching and will be engaged most of the time in teaching, doing research and counseling students.


The Center for International Education (CIE) aspires to be a leader in transformative and complementary education, for cross-culture and multi-culture learners in order to generate meaningful and high-impact graduates ready to face the challenges of the 21st Century through the guidance of our experienced and professional faculty who will thrive for a better quality education to achieve a great academic and professional success. CIE envisioned to be a transformative force for learners through continuing innovation in education, research and creativity, focusing on deep disciplinary knowledge; problem solving; leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills that will prepares diverse and competitive graduates for success in a global, interdependent society and, at the same time, improve substantially the quality of education in the Philippines


In order for achieve the vision of the Center for International Education, we will…

  • Provide graduates and professional students from cross-culture and multi-culture population, a high quality bi-lingual education here in the Philippines.  by hiring highly skilled professional teachers as educators in our programs.
  • Maintain and develop high quality graduate programs in the field of business, education, psychology, health care and the arts to provide knowledge, innovation, and creativity to our students by meeting the highest international education standard
  • Initially tap students from all over the Philippines and China and from there expand to recruit students from Korea, Japan and the African continent.
  • Employ the latest technology to ensure efficient administrative services in the area of recruitment and retention and offer personal guidance that facilitate the students to succeed and thrive in the program.
  • Ensure our survival by cultivating an educational environment where collaboration can flourish, and individualization can attain full potential through differentiated and multiple learning pathways.
  • Adhere to our belief of complementary inclusive education by making it accessible to students from a wide variety of ethnic, cultural, geographical and economic backgrounds.
  • Use our wide connections, initially in China, and our technological competence to enable future generations to find educational opportunities increasingly available to the geographically remote and the economically disadvantaged, leveling the playing field to a greater degree than ever.
  • Recruit the best, the most experienced and professional faculty members to facilitate and guide our students to problem-solve together which can result in deeper and more relevant learning experiences and, at the same time, achieve the knowledge and skills to survive and thrive in the 21st
  • Impact society in a transformative way — regionally, nationally, and globally — by engaging with partners in all fields of endeavor outside the traditional borders of the university campus.
  • Contribute to society and nation building through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international levels of excellence as we educate the citizens and citizen-leaders of our country for the benefit of all.
  • Offer our faculty and staff continuous training and upgrading to ensure their being up-to-date in the delivery of their lessons and their service to the students.
  • Promote learning by engaging with students in advancing scholarly inquiry, cultivating critical and creative thinking, and generating knowledge through our active partnerships with local and global communities for a sustainable common good.

Curricular Strategy

Curricular Strategy here

Courses Offered

James Liao Yong, MBA, Ph.D.
Vice President for International Education


            It is with great pride and honor for me to accept the appointment by The Philippine Christian University as the Vice President of International Education (CIE). I will continue to play an essential role in educating students from various ethnic, culture, geographic and economic background for their professional and scholastic growth. CIE will offer a variety of programs such as business, economics, psychology, education, performing arts and health care, for bachelor, master, and doctoral students. I can assure you that these programs offered at CIE, are compatible to the highest level of international standards and to enable CIE though Philippine Christian University to make available high-quality education in the Philippines.

            I will continuously improve and upgrade our curriculums to meet the ever-changing trends and needs in this 21st Century by incorporating new developments while still maintaining a high level of international standards. Through CIE, I will exert all efforts to prepare our students to make a difference and to succeed in life. This can be accomplished with a top-notch experienced and professional faculty team.

            I look forward to implementing my dream and plans at the Center for International Education (CIE) with the cooperation and support from Philippine Christian University. Thank you! 

               James Liao Yong, MBA, Ph.D.
Vice President for International Education

Professor Long Xianzhong –

  • Ph.D. adviser at Hunan University,
  • President of Hunan University of Arts and Sciences,
  • Expert on Government Allowance under the State Council.
  • Doctor graduated from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, majoring in higher education management.


Professor Ding Yuanlin / 丁元林教授

  • Ph.D. adviser for Medicine and the vice president at Guangdong Medical University.
  • He granted his Ph.D. in medicine from West China Medical University and
  • his post Doctor of Biomedical Engineering from Sichuan University.


Professor Ni Jindong/倪进东教授

  • Dean of School of Public Health, Guangdong Medical University;
  • Doctor of Public Health, Anhui Medical University.


Zhang Liangwen / 张良文

  • Associate Professor of School of Public Health, Xiamen University;
  • PhD in Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, Xiamen University;
  • Postdoctorate in School of Economics, Xiamen University;
  • Published more than 20 international and domestic core journals, and served as reviewer for many international core health journals.



Liang Kevin / 梁凯文

  • President of the Qingdao Liang Kevin Institute of Psychology, a famous international NLP lecturer,
  • Ph.D. in Applied Psychology from the Humanitarian Medical College of Canada,
  • Master of Psychology at the University of Derby in the UK, under the tutelage of Professor John Grinder, a world-class hypnosis master.

青岛梁凯文心理研究院院长,著名国际NLP讲师,加拿大人道主义医学院应用心理学博士,英国德比大学心理学硕士,师从全球第一的催眠大师John Grinder教授。


Professor Qin Lijian / 秦立建教授

  • Associate Dean of Zhonghe Postdoctoral Think Tank Research Institute of Anhui University of Finance and Economics,
  • Expert of China Economic Policy Expert Group,
  • Evaluation Expert of “Yangtze River Scholars” of Ministry of Education,
  • Ph. D adviser, postdoctoral adviser, Sino-US Joint Postdoctoral Training,
  • PhD. in management from China Agricultural University and Texas Tech University.



Associate Professor Chen Gaosheng / 陈高生副教授

  • Ph. D adviser of Strategic Management and Project Management,
  • Associate Professor of China Central University of Finance and Economics,
  • Consultant of the Special Asset Management Committee of the State Council,
  • PhD in Strategic Management of Renmin University of China,
  • Postdoctoral of School of Economics of Renmin University.



Professor George C. Fong / 教授

  • Professor at the Asian Institute of Management and the Ateneo de Manila University,
  • Professor for the Ph. D in Commerce at the University of Santo. Tomas,
  • MBA graduated from the Thunderbird School of Business USA, and
  • Ph. D in Commerce from University of Santo Tomas.



Lydia C. King


  • Professor of Graduate School of Business at Ateneo de Manila University,
  • Former First Vice President of Philippine BDO Bank,
  • Former president of Philippine Bankers Research Institute,
  • MBA graduated from the Ateneo de Manila University,
  • PhD in Organizational Development from Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Research Institute.


雅典耀大学研究生商学院教授,前菲律宾BDO银行第一副总裁,前菲律宾银行家研究院院长,雅典耀大学MBA, 东南亚跨学科研究院组织发展学博士。


Leveric T. Ng


  • Associate Professor of Graduate School of Business at Ateneo de Manila University,
  • Former Vice President of Marketing of Philippine Zest Airlines,
  • MBA from Oklahoma City University, and
  • PhD in Business Administration from De La Salle University.


雅典耀大学研究生商学院副教授,前菲律宾亚洲航空营销副总裁,美国俄克拉荷马城市大学MBA, 德拉萨大学工商管理博士。


Professor Stephene Roy C. Condino / 教授


  • Dean of the School of General Education at the American College of Dubai,
  • Former senior vice president of MMSA, the largest human resources outsourcing company in the Philippines,
  • MBA graduated from Ateneo de Manila University,
  • Senior executive management program at London Business School,
  • Doctor in Business Administration from the University of Liverpool.




Professor Yang Jinsong / 杨劲松教授:


  • Excellent teacher in Nanyue, Dean of the School of English of Guangdong Medical University,
  • PhD in Foreign Languages and Literature of Shanghai International Studies University.




Associate Professor Liu Liu / 刘鎏副教授


  • Master adviser at Xiamen University,
  • Ph.D. in physical education from Beijing Sport University,
  • Post-doctorate at the Institute of Higher Education, Xiamen University, and visiting scholar at the University of Virginia.




Chen Lei / 陈蕾


  • Professor of Chongqing University of Arts and Science,
  • PhD in Instrument Science and Technology of Chongqing University,
  • Postdoctoral in Optoelectronic Engineering of Chongqing University.




Professor Wang Weihua / 汪维华教授


  • Master adviser of Chongqing University of Technology,
  • Professor of School of Artificial Intelligence of Chongqing University of Arts and Science,
  • Ph.D. of Computer Science, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences




Professor Zhou Ji / 周基教授


  • Dean of the School of Civil Engineering, Hunan University of Science and Technology,
  • PhD in Highway and Railway Engineering from Changsha University of Science and Technology,
  • Postdoctoral in Structural Engineering at Guangxi University, and Senior Visiting Scholar at the University of California, San Diego.




Professor Wang Xiaoshu / 汪晓曙教授


  • Professor of Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts, Chairman of Guangzhou Artists Association,
  • Chairman of Artists Association of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area,
  • Master of Fine Arts of Hangzhou Academy of Fine Arts,
  • Ph.D. of Almaty National Normal University,
  • Kazakhstan, famous Chinese artist, expert enjoying State Council allowance.




Professor Liu Feifei / 刘菲菲教授


  • Associate Dean of the School of Art and Design, Guangdong University,
  • Master’s Supervisor,
  • Ph.D. in Art Design at Hunan Normal University, and
  • Visiting Scholar in Art Design at Chonbuk University in South Korea




Associate Professor Tan Xiujiang / 谭秀江副教授


  • Thesis adviser at Guangdong Academy of Fine Arts,
  • Visiting researcher at the University of London,
  • Visiting scholar at the University of Albertine,
  • Ph.D. in Architecture from South China University of Technology,
  • Postdoctoral in the Environmental Research Center of Wales School of Architecture, Cardiff University, UK.




Hasbater / 哈斯巴特尔


  • Associate Professor of Inner Mongolia Academy of Arts,
  • Dean of Musicology Department,
  • Master Supervisor, Prairie Talent,
  • PhD in National Music of China Conservatory of Music,
  • Postdoctoral of Central Conservatory of Music.




Yu Yi, Ph. D. / 喻意


  • Dissertation adviser in music education at Philippine Christine University, PhD in music education at China Conservatory of Music, and post-doctorate in music education at Beijing Normal University.




Prof. Alicia G. Banas


  • Ph. D in Developmental Administration, Master in Business Administration – Philippine Christian University
  • Certified Public Accountant, Professional Teacher
  • Manager, MWSS and Maynilad Water
  • Guest Lecturer – DLS-College of Saint Benilde



We Are Hiring!

Fostering Educational Excellence: Philippine Christian University and CREATE-UCCP
Forge Alliance through MOU Signing

Read full article here

News and Events

Philippine Standard Time

World Clock


Date & Time

Central Africa
(Chad, Congo Republic, etc.)

time to call local time.
(1:00 am to 10:00 am)

West Africa
(Cape Verde, Ghana, Nigeria, etc.)

time to call local time.
(1:00 am to 10:00 am)

South Africa
(Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, etc.)

time to call local time.
(2:00 am to 11:00 am)

Middle East Qatar

time to call local time.
(3:00 am to 12:00 pm)

Middle East Dubai

time to call local time.
(4:00 am to 1:00 pm)

Jakarta Indonesia; Bangkok Thailand; Hanoi Vietnam

time to call local time.
(7:00 am to 4:00 pm)

L.A., San Jose California

time to call local time.
(4:00 pm to 1:00 am)

Washington DC, Maryland

time to call local time.
(7:00 pm to 4:00 am)

Hong Kong China

time to call local time.
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm)






8:00 am

5:00 pm

Central Africa
(Chad, Congo Republic, etc.)

1:00 am

10:00 am

West Africa
(Cape Verde, Ghana, Nigeria, etc.)

1:00 am

10:00 am

South Africa
(Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, etc.)

2:00 am

11:00 am


3:00 am

12:00 pm


4:00 am

1:00 pm

Jakarta, Bangkok, Hanoi

7:00 am

4:00 pm

USA East Coast
(New York City)

7:00 pm

4:00 am

USA West Coast
(Los Angeles, San Francisco)

4:00 pm

1:00 am

PCU Global Extension


UAEP Luzon

time to call
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

UAEP Visayas

time to call
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

UAEP Mindanao

time to call
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

UAEP China

time to call
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

Center for International Education (CIE) was established by
Philippine Christian University (PCU)
in collaboration with Ideal Institute of Innovative Studies (IIIS).

UAEP Botswana

time to call
(2:00 am to 11:00 am)

UAEP Zambia

time to call
(2:00 am to 11:00 am)

UAEP Ghana

time to call
(1:00 am to 10:00 am)

UAEP Qatar

time to call
(3:00 am to 12:00 pm)

UAEP Dubai

time to call
(4:00 am to 1:00 pm)

PCU USA West Coast

time to call
(4:00 pm to 1:00 am)

PCU USA East Coast

time to call
(7:00 pm to 4:00 am)

UAEP Kenya

UAEP Rwanda

UAEP Namibia

UAEP Zimbabwe

World Clock


Date & Time

Philippine Standard Time

time to call local time
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

Central Africa
(Chad, Congo Republic, etc.)

time to call local time
(1:00 am to 10:00 am)

West Africa
(Cape Verde, Ghana, Nigeria, etc.)

time to call local time
(1:00 am to 10:00 am)

South Africa
(Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, etc.)

time to call local time
(2:00 am to 11:00 am)

Middle East Qatar

time to call local time
(3:00 am to 12:00 pm)

Middle East Dubai

time to call local time
(4:00 am to 1:00 pm)

Jakarta Indonesia; Bangkok Thailand; Hanoi Vietnam

time to call local time
(7:00 am to 4:00 pm)

L.A., San Jose California

time to call local time
(4:00 pm to 1:00 am)

Washington DC, Maryland

time to call local time
(7:00 pm to 4:00 am)

Hong Kong China

time to call local time
(8:00 am to 5:00 pm)